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SUPERTEA Urban Warehouse

SUPERTEA Urban Warehouse is located on Jiusheng Road, Guoxiang, and is rebuilt from a factory warehouse.

The designer fully considers how to activate the vitality of non commercial spaces, cleverly grafting elements on the ground, dividing them with porch windows, and creating a unique Suzhou pavilion and garden inside. Using log materials as the pavilion material base, it is interwoven with gravel and natural light, allowing the building to yield to the environment and harmonizing the unique spatial atmosphere of Oriental aesthetics.

This design has reconsidered the relationship between "new" and "old" - the old factory has been updated to a new commercial space, the old urban area has generated new commercial functions, and the old traditional culture has developed into a new culture that meets the needs of the new era.

2022/2023-IAI Gold Award

ZHAO Zhifeng


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