IAI Founder

The founder and president of APDF- Asia Pacific Designers Federation; The founder of IAI Design Award.

Oskar Ho(Chinese name:Changcheng He) graduated from the China Academy of Art, who has traveled and inspected gardens, architecture, interior design, painting, sculpture and other art forms in dozens of countries and regions in Europe, America, Asia and Oceania. As the editor of the IAI Design Award yearbooks, he has compiled a number of yearbooks and published them in national publishing organizations, which have won the Outstanding Academic Work Award issued by the Chinese university press and the gold award of the “China Printing Awards”, status of which to the print field is Academy Awards to film field. Oskar Ho is also employed as a visiting professor at the School of Art and Design of San Raffaele University in Italy and a visiting scholar at the International Summer Academy of Fine Arts in Salzburg, Austria; an academic member of the Academic Committee of the "First China Design Exhibition" of the Ministry of Culture, and a member of the Bird's Nest Cultural Center Co-founder and curator of the Art Alliance, who 

  • 2023.6 Oskar Ho made a speech at the 15th IAI award ceremony in Xiamen

  • 2021.6 Oskar Ho made a speech at the 13th IAI award ceremony in Xiamen


    2023.6 Oskar Ho, as well as Chinese and foreign guests, toasted at the establishment

    ceremony of the APDF Center for Art and Technology Research 

  • 2019.8 Oskar Ho inaugurated IAI international design exchange center in Tianjin

Published Works

In 2010, IAI AWARDS 2010 Asia-Pacific Interior Design Biennial Grand Prix Excellent Works Collection
2014-2015 IAI design award yearbook
Yearbook of the 9th IAI Design Award
Yearbook of the 11th IAI Design Award
Yearbook of the 12th IAI Design Award
Yearbook of the 13th IAI Design Award

The awarding ceremony of the 3rd IAI Asia Pacific Interior Design Biennial Grand Prix in 2010