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Studio in the woods
Studio in the woods

What is being sought with this studio is quite simple: work under the trees. To do so, we need a roof that is as transparent as possible. Also, at the same time, we need to isolate the desk zone from direct sunlight.

Hence the transparent northern part. The part that is covered with a bent sheet of 20mm colourless plexiglass on the north side. The south side, where the desks are, has to be closed in much more, but not completely, so there is double sheet of fibreglass and polyester in its natural colour on the south side, with translucent insulation in the middle. All three form a 110 mm thick sandwich.

In between, we installed translucent white polyethylene insulation foam to preserve the translucence of the polyester. The transparent part was made from standard sheets of curved plexiglass, milled at the edges to enable a film of silicon sealant to be injected between the sheets,and made the two sides, which are in 10mm white opaline methacrylate on a steel frame, which can be fully opened to permit air circulation by using a system of pulleys and counterweights.

Half burying the whole thing, to provide horizontal views of the allotment where the arm is installed, comes before all of that, but it's OK to do it afterwards as well. Everything placed below ground level is in concrete with wood formwork, wooden planks that are also used for paving, firmly bolted, painted in two colours with twocomponent paint with an epoxy base.

And to finish off, we have given it a sightly less….. slightly more… wet touch: on rainy days, that rain, when it rains, the raindrops on the plastic, when they hit, sometimes more, sometimes less, sometimes a lot,… sometimes a sound,…

IAI Most Creative Award 2021/2022



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