
IAI Design Yearbook won the highest award in the printing industry - CHINA PRINT AWARDS

The 12th IAI Design Yearbook from 2019 to 2020 won the highest gold award in the recently released China Printing Awards, reflecting that the comprehensive indicators of printing quality, production level, binding design, and craftsmanship of the IAI Design Yearbook have been highly recognized by the industry again.

"CHINA PRINT AWARDS" is the highest award in the domestic printing industry and also the highest printing award in the Chinese printing industry. It is known as the Oscars of the printing industry and the only reserved evaluation project approved by the State Council in the industry. The professional jury comes from mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Macau, and the evaluation is fair, impartial, and open, with high credibility and authority.

This award is selected every two years, covering publishing (books, magazines, newspapers, etc.) and commercial printing, digital printing, screen printing, and special printing, etc. It has a high degree of authority, universality, and comprehensiveness.

Content Validity

Since its first publication in 2006, the IAI  Design Award Yearbook has received considerable attention and praise from designers and design enthusiasts both domestically and internationally. The IAI Design Yearbook has become a valuable reference book for designers.

The 12th IAI Design Award Yearbook includes 229 work cases, covering judges' comments, interior design, architectural design, and industrial product design. These include the IAI Most Creative Award representing the highest honor, the Jury Special Award, the IAI Best Design Award works, as well as the IAI Gold Award, IAI Silver Award, IAI Bronze Award, and IAI Excellence Award works.

In view of this year, it was published and issued by People's Publishing House in May 2021, in four colors or more, in hardcover. It is a professional design yearbook with international standards, as well as a design monograph with great reference value and design guidelines.

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