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Wuwen studio

This art space is designed for sightseeing, social intercourse and leisure recreation, aiming to provide users with an otherworldly realm and bring them spiritual peace. The designer has introduced multiple design methods applied to Chinese landscape architecture, including view borrowing, leaking through scenery, enframed scenery, hidden scenery, obstructive scenery, etc., into the project. In this way, the change of spatial layout and light/shade effect leads to a more layered space, and enables users to enjoy sinuous pleasure. Via such a design, each area is independent yet interrelated, making the space visually roomier. The gray facade, wooden tables and chairs, as well as other embellishments, showcase the owner’s elegant lifestyle full of Zen, and strongly contrast with bright colors of paintings to highlight the profound atmosphere.

2022/2023-IAI Excellent Award

Juntao Guo


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