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Square Pavilion

The house entrusted for renovation in this design is located in Xicheng District, Beijing, which takes ten minutes to walk to the old hutongs and quadrangles gathering areas. The hostess of the house is a native of Beijing. When she received the entrustment, her beloved daughter was just full moon. She and her husband hoped that the house could bear the life of the three people in the next ten years. When communicating needs, the hostess often talks about her childhood memories in the Hutong: in the sunny and green afternoon, she spent a good childhood with the canopy, fish tank and persimmon tree.

Returning to the state of the house, the use area is about 200 square meters, and the structure is relatively square. Although the lighting is from the East, West and North, the light is isolated in each room due to the unreasonable layout. One third of the room is a cramped dark room, and a large amount of space is wasted. It is the design axis of this case to solve the functional problems while taking into account the improvement of style and the inheritance of context. Our design studio is also in the Hutong. It has experienced three winters, summers and spring and autumn, so it resonates with the life state described by the hostess.

2022/2023-IAI Silvedr Award

Zhang Wei


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