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This is a teahouse. We hope that through the simple lines, volume relationship, plain color and natural material texture interspersed, users can find the quietness and leisure elegance in their own heart.

The space was originally a regular room composed of four closed mahjong rooms. Black,dark is the first impression of this transformed space, there is no light in such a confined space,even can't feel the circulation of air. And the dark space is always a place to give a person with claustrophobic, depressed, dull mood of the gray zone.

Around the pond with houses, verandah, steps and moonlight, throughout the layout of the whole format, to create a tranquil, leisurely and plain, depicting a fresh and attractive moonlight night forest artistic conception, night quiet people lonely scene as one of the anthropomorphic scene space, so that the space is more fluid and neighbors of the human fireworks.

2022/2023-IAI Silvedr Award

Yu Xue


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