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Qihuo Wuhan Canteen

Whether it is a large or a small restaurant,

Whether it is a local or a fusion cuisine,

For gourmets, the only standard of a restaurant is the taste of its food.

Linking with nine provinces, Hubei is more inclusive to different cuisines and preserves classic delicacies that have lasted for a century.

We always put good taste atop.

We only use high-quality ingredients.

We also respect nature and eat in accordance with different seasons.

We express ourselves through various meal-serving manners to make each meal more enjoyable.

We make "delicate soup, delicious food, and tasty rice" that are more suitable for Hubei people's tastes with our heart and soul.

Here at Qihuo Wuhan Canteen, we are cooking for happiness, bringing it to more people.

We also hope that more food lovers could come here to have a get-together with some friends or sit down and enjoy some drinks alone, savoring the merriness of life.

As a sub-brand of Qixiaofu Catering Company, Qihuo originates in Hunan but also opens up stores here in Wuhan. The restaurant is in Wanda Business District. Based on its location and potential customers, it is positioned as a young and fashionable restaurant. It only uses high-quality seasonal ingredients and learns the tastes of the Hubei people, aiming to blend in with local culture while maintaining its unique brand features, and make food that is more in line with the Hubei people's appetite.

Catering space design is not some fancy words combining space and design but represents real actions to make space better through designs, which is an original wish shared by both designers and companies. Design services eventually all want to express respect and love. Therefore, designers strive to search for new phrases for modern design and combine business thoughts with design ideas, pushing scene experiential mode in catering space design to a new high.

The cuisine tradition of "food is local, ingredients are natural" and the culture of "Qi of Wok" insists on food being fresh, seasonal, and delicate. Simmering, stewing, steaming, frying, frying in shallow oil and other sophisticated cooking methods shows the cooking attitude that “attaches great importance to details and meticulousness.” a real good cook can make inviting food with only simple and natural ingredients, allowing people to be immersed in the beauty of culture.

Food and space share a lot of similarities. Giving space to regional consciousness, emphasizing “immersive” participation and mutual integration and coordination. Space aesthetics and precise proportions can be seen in the necessity of a sense of ritual and the emotional effects of space.

Discussions on integrating lifestyles with culture and various understandings of different dining scenes broke the old-type relationship between catering space and humans and redefined it with more focus on modern catering consumption habits. For cooks, “the essence of food lies in their sticking to original aspiration.” For designers, practicing the principle of “the essence of design lies in their sticking to original aspiration” is equally important.

2022/2023-IAI Silvedr Award

Yan Xiaobing


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