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Marmot Club · Children's Treasure Theater Park

This project is China's first indoor immersive theme park for parents and children. Combining a British Victorian style, Middle East elements and grassland features, the amusement facility brings visitors an immersive paradise with a grand world view, which can serve as a performance venue, a sightseeing spot and a play area. It also represents an exploration on the model and spacial design of the content-based parks in the future.

Inside the amusement facility, each section features a landmark, which integrates the regional culture with the park's world view and historical chronology. Elements from different sections as well as the interior and exterior spatial designs are mingled together to create a multi-layered space and enhance the authenticity of the setting. Here, visitors can get a fairy-tale-like parent-child experience through cool interactive activities.

2022/2023-IAI Excellence Award

Great CoCo (Suzhou) Cultural Technology


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